What Is ProEpicate® / epicatechin?
The markets most trusted source of Epicatechin
>90% Epicatechin
Below is based on studies and are not to be taken as claims
What is Proepicate®?
Proepicate® is a trademarked version of epicatechin extracted from Cocoa std to >90%.
Cocoa is the richest form of epicatechin and the best source for this ingredient .
According to our research epicatechin extracted from green tea ( Camellia sinensis extract) is an inferior source and anecdotally the bodybuilding community reports better and more consistent results from a cocoa source.
A lot of what is out there in the market is 10-40% epicatechin wheres Proepictate is at the highest purity available sitting at over 90%.
100mg - 200mg is the studied dosage recommended thus we provide 200mg with over 90% epicatechin from the best source available with microencapsulation technology to help the bioavailability. Proepicate is the best form of this ingredient you can get your hands on.
Not to forget we have added other bioavailability enhancers to assist in further absorption.
What is Epicatechin?
Epicatechin is a flavanol which has several performance enhancing properties and a vast amount of health benefits.
There are a vast amount of health benefits for this ingredient , but below are the main bodybuilding benefits.
Lowers Myostatin & increases follistatin.
Myostatin is basically a limiter set by your body to slow down your muscle growth. Follistatin prevents myostatin from increasing too high.
Epicatechin lowers myostatin and increases follistatin allowing you to get over your natural limits resulting in better recovery and increased muscle growth.
Increases nitric oxide levels and improved blood flow ( inhibits nitric oxide breakdown )
This results better pumps can be taken prior to workout and will help deliver nutrients to the muscles and increase’s satellite muscle cell growth. Vast amount of health benefits for this , it has never been more important to improve blood flow due to the potential virus damage.
Increased endurance.
Some studies suggest that epicatechin can improve endurance by increasing the production of mitochondria in muscle cells. Mitochondria are the energy powerhouses of cells and more of them can lead to improved stamina during workouts
Reduced Muscle Damage.
Epicatechin may have antioxidant properties that help reduce oxidative stress and muscle damage caused by intense exercise. This can potentially result in faster recovery and less soreness.
Fat Loss.
Epicatechin may also have a role in promoting fat loss by increasing the expression of certain genes involved in fat metabolism and thermogenesis.
Greater insulin sensitivity , improved glucose disposal.
Better use of our carbs driving them into muscle cells and not fat.
Lower blood pressure and improved lipid levels and many more health promoting effects.
Vast array of other benefits have been reported.
Below are the results from a small human study done on middle aged and young men with roughly 175mg of epicatechin per day.
No standardization in the studies are noted which seems a bit silly but keeping this in mind we used bioavailability technology and sourced the strongest , tested >90% epicatechin Proepicate®
As shown Myostatin reduced in the old and young candidates and follistatin increased.
In conclusion this could be a great addition for athletes and bodybuilder which also includes a vast amount of health benifits according to the studies available.