A quick brief on Korean Mistletoe 20:1

Below are based on studies and are not to be taken as claims

What is Korean Mistletoe 20:1?

Korean mistletoe aka Viscum album coloratum comes from Korea.

This extract has been studied extensively for its anti catabolic effects in wasting diseases , mostly in older men.

Not only is it anti catabolic but research shows it to be pro anabolic too.

In a mice study it was shown to increase excessive performance and endurance, reduce parameters of muscle tissue and increased the mice’s grip strength along with the anti catabolic and pro anabolic effects.

This was due to the upregulation of genes that cause muscle hypertrophy and Down regulation of the genes that cause muscle degradation.

More interestingly in human’s a randomized double blind placebo study was published in 2016.

Subjects were given 1 gram per day, 2 grams per day or placebo .

Just like in the mice study , the subjects who got Korean Mistletoe had greater expressions of genes linked to muscle growth and less expression of genes linked to muscle atrophy.

The 2 grams per day subjects had higher levels of IGF1 a known anabolic hormone and had significantly more lean body mass than 1 gram pet and and obviously the placebo group.

Korean Mistletoe is also known as a fat burner  upregulating uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) in brown adipose, which basically increases the amount of energy that an organism burns off as heat.

This extract is 20:1 making this one of the strongest in the market.


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